Monday, June 22, 2015

Brighten Your Smile with Beautiful White Teeth!

Your smile is everything. We all pay close attention to a person's face and their smile. When people smile, you notice their teeth. Yes you may have some crooked teeth that you could always fix with braces, but we also notice how white your teeth are too. I have always received compliments on how straight and white my teeth looked. But these days I find that the compliments have stopped rolling in. And I could not figure out why. But then it hit me. I have become a heavy coffee drinker. And I was not awarew in the beginning that coffee stains your teeth. If you drink a lot of coffee like me, always remember to brush your theeth afterwards. After I realized the yellowing of my teeth, I looked up ways I could whiten my teeth at home. Well at first I found that by rubbing the inside of a banana peel on your teeth helps a lot. The potassium and magnesium from the banana absorbs into your teeth and whitens. And then I found out about Plus Whites Speed Whitening Gel you can use at home. So I have decided to try this out! You can find ways to whiten your teeth without spending a ton at the dentist for them to do it!
Plus White Premier 5 Minute Speed Whitening Gel{ifdyn:dyn}{ifpe:pe}{ifpla:pla}&adtype={adtype}&kpid=prod6179067&sst=2e8631e9-0c3d-6369-6ab1-00000710721d

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Stress Relievers

Do you ever just feel so overwhelmed by everything going on in life? I certainly have been feeling the stress these past couple of weeks. Between working 40 hours a week, working out everyday for 2-3 hours, and then having to do homework for my online classes during the weekend, I have definitely been feeling the stress. But I do not know how to manage my stress. But what I have found that helps me calm down or relax is playing spider solitaire on my phone crazy enough! If I play a couple of games while on breaks at work or when I am stressed, I find that in return I will feel much calmer. But I have to pay attention to what I do daily that calms me down. And that is what I want to inspire you to do. It may be something so simple as reading a book or taking a walk outside. Find what soothes your spirit, because stress can leave a negative effect on a person. It can cause trouble with sleeping, chest pains, elevated blood pressures, headaches, and upset stomach. Stress can also worsen symptoms of diaereses. I personally knew I was stressing out because I always have trouble sleeping. But it is not good to turn to drugs and alcohol for stress relievers because that could only make things work. Just try and find some type of healthy alternative to relieving your stress. It will work wonders in the end as it has for me now!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Tone Those Glutes!

The new fad seems to be toned, big butts! Well I have to admit it is obtainable, but it takes a lot of hard work. You have to make sure you are doing glutes exercises at least 4 times a week. And on top of exercising, you have to eat right, take protein, and drink lots of water. I have recently started working on my glutes, and I can already tell a difference. My glutes are more tight and toned than loose and out of shape as I like to say. But I feel like working out to get a butt is better than paying for a Brazilian ButtLift. Thousands of hours in the gym sounds better than thousands of dollars spent on something you could have done yourself. I just set a goal of protein for myself everyday, and I make sure to lift heavy at least 5 times out of the week. I know it will take a while to reach my goal, but once I do I know all this hard work was worth it. You can check out these websites!

Always Apply the Sunscreen!!

So, since I have been working on my skin, I needed to find out what types of sunscreens to use. If you want to keep your acne spots or scars from getting darker, you need good sunscreen. So as I did some research, I found that zinc oxide is a very important active ingredient you need to search for in sunscreen. It shields you from UVA and UVB rays. Zinc oxide-based sunscreens reflect and scatter the sun's rays, while chemical sunscreens absorb UV rays before they reach your skin. So I use the Walgreens Baby sunscreen with a SPF of 50. It contains 14.5% of zinc oxide, which is the highest I have seen in any sunscreens in the store. I always apply the sunscreen 20-30 minutes before I go outside. I put the sunscreen on first before I put on my makeup. But when I know I am going to be outside, I try not to put on any makeup so that I will be able to reapply my sunscreen every two hours. Just depending on how much you sweat, or are at a pool, or any circumstance like these, will determine exactly when you should reapply. So far, the sunscreen has helped keep my scars from getting darker the past couple of weeks.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Vicks Vapor Rub

I have found that Vicks Vapor Rub actually helps my pimples go away. It may seem like such a weird product to use, but it was actually introduced to me by my mother. I would put it on at night, and see reduction in my breakouts by the morning. Vicks reduces the swelling, face wrinkles, and scars on your face. If you use it long enough, it will actually start to peel the scars away. The eucalypstus in the vapor rub eliminates the bacteria in the skin. Also having camphor and menthol in Vicks also helps reduce inflammation from its cooling effect. This is a great, cheap remedy to try if over the counter is not working for you. I have been using it for a while now, and I have to say it works and has helped tamed my breakouts to a minimum. It will not hurt to try!
Here is a testimony of a woman using it for her skin!
Image result for vicks vapor rub google searchImage result for vicks vapor rub used for acne google search

Drink, Drink, Drink!

So I have found that water is a huge contributor when it comes to your skin. When it comes to your body period you need water. But water helps wash away the toxins in your skin. And depending on how active you are and how hot it is in your region helps determine how much water you should drink each day. Now I am a very active person, and it is getting hotter in this month of June, so I find that I need to drink at least 64 Fl oz. of water every day. Now I do not know about you guys, but drinking water is a huge challenge for me. But try little things like packing at least two bottles of water with you for work. Or taking a gallon of water with you when you go and work out. Or start off drinking a cup of water in the morning when you wake up. It helps wake up your body in the morning to start circulation in the body. And drinking all these different pops and juices only breaks out my skin from all of the sugar. Replacing water with all other drinks in my diet is important to a healthy start.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

If you look good, you feel good!

Now recently I decided to make a list of things I want to change about my appearance to help me be more confident in my appearance. One of the things on my list was my skin. I recently started using this cream to help fade my acne scars. I have only used it for a little while, but it has helped a lot! Already I do not feel like people are always staring at my scars instead of me as a person. Or i feel like I have to wear a ton of makeup just to cover them up! Because then you will always run into people who make fun of you for wearing a pound of makeup! I have finally learned to accept my facial features and be content with it. Yes I still have a long ways to go, but I will not let it keep me from feeling uncomfortable around a huge crowd ever again! You should never feel bad for not liking the way something looks on your body. If wanting to change that means you are even the slightest happier with yourself then do it! I sure am!